FES - Franklin Elementary School
FES stands for Franklin Elementary School
Here you will find, what does FES stand for in Firm under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Franklin Elementary School? Franklin Elementary School can be abbreviated as FES What does FES stand for? FES stands for Franklin Elementary School. What does Franklin Elementary School mean?The executive office business firm is located in Stratford, Connecticut, United States.
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Alternative definitions of FES
- Franconia Elementary School
- Festus City Airport, Festus City Airport, Missouri USA
- Foreign Exchange Student
- Flat Earth Society
- Folder Error Summary
- Flexible Education System
- Fred Evans Special
- Fundación Educativa del Sur
View 99 other definitions of FES on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- FTG Footprint Travel Guides
- FWC Focus Wine Cellars
- FEL First Environment Limited
- FOW Flow Office Wisdom
- FMMFD Fort Mojave Mesa Fire Department
- FTP Full Turn Pictures
- FCC The Florida Center for Cybersecurity
- FLSD Fab Lab San Diego
- FPL The Factory Pty Ltd
- FBL Ferguson Barristers LLP
- FSIA Face Spa Innovative Automation
- FAL Firefly Animation London
- FFT Finite Films and Tv
- FLP Finishing Line Press
- FSG Fusion Sourcing Group
- FCM Faith Community Ministries